2024 Jun 24-28 Summer Camp - 5 days - Age 7-12 - Agent of Change & Electronic Game Design: Race Game
Morning Course:
Agent of Change
Power and energy are what everything requires to move, turn on, light up, and make noise. In The Agent of Change camp, students will break up into engineering teams and help each other to create unique ways to harness, manipulate, and use energy efficiently. Each day, students will have the chance to add a power-up light to their power and energy meter by completing that day’s camp challenge.
Afternoon Course:
Electronic Game Design: Race Game
Ladies and gentlemen start your engines! On your mark, get set, GO! Kids are drawn to the excitement of a race. They hoot and holler in anticipation that the car they chose will cross the finish line first. We will use the Engineering Design Process to create a storyboard that will outline the rules of play and characters for our game based on the basic rules of racing. Then, we will use Clickteam Fusion 2.5® to bring our storyboard to life with programming. At the end of the program, everyone takes home a working Windows-compatible game.
Time : 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Location: XSTREAM Learning Center, Forest Heights Village, 2029 NW Miller Rd, Portland, OR 97229 (Next to Heroes Cafe)
Phone: 503-914-9995
Full Day Tuition: $429
Full day students must bring a nuts-free lunch & snack. (drinking water provided)
Morning care is available from 8:00am to 9:00am at $70/week.
After care is available from 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm at $110/week.
2024 Jun 24-28 - Ages 7-12 -Agent of Change & Electronic Game Design: Race Game
2024 Jun 24-28